Thursday, October 1, 2009

Maria Eulogia left Puerto Rico aboard the SS San Juan on July 19, 1922 at the age of 66. She arrived in New York on July 24, 1922 through Ellis Island and resided at 233 East 100 Street.


  1. Great idea Lisa, In acknowledgement of our ancestors I wish you (us) success with this blog.
    You choose good timing, this is Hispanic Heritage Month. Here's honoring our family
    monarch. suerte!

  2. I have not been on for a while and I must say look at this photo and think how we all shouldbe thanking GOD for this gift of beauty that was bestowed to us by our forefather. Let's cherish it and perserve it. We should all live in harmony and be grateful for all that we have!

    Peace to everyone!

  3. Prima I have pix. I'd like to post, must be on my end but it's not allowing to .. you should send this link to the rest of las primas/primos, get some feedback. Nitza has a blog too, check it out.

  4. Hola! que pasa? .. Don't stay away so long, give us some scoop, thoughts, aims. Are you coming for your yearly vacation? Can't wait to see you.
