Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Read Message - hvc.rr.com

"This trailer was brought into the property by Chequi,over 5yrs. ago
It serve no purpose, If the initial intend was to use it as
lodging, it isn't allowed, especially from a family, already with
property on the grounds.
Not only is it a sour eye, but it's a potential hazard, it's location
is too close the stream, If it ever falls in the ditch/channel during the
rain season, it'll be a costly task to have it removed, remember this is private
property, the cost will be on us."

1 comment:

  1. Lisa, you should invite others to read/join this blog, you're exposing important view points, you and prima Nitza are on the same wave-lenght, should share ideas, As Nitza mentioned we all have a voice. I do believe it's for the benefit of all.
