Saturday, May 28, 2011

Wonderful to see our sons and daughters - Familia - coming back to the homestead
enjoying not only each other but the beautiful environment rich in sun and surf,
lushes green. Let's enjoy the fruits of it's natural resource, as we enhence the quality
of life for the generation to follow, may the only prints we leave are those footprints
by the sea-shore. Paz!
prima myrna

Wednesday, May 25, 2011





Monday, May 23, 2011


This is what happens on our property during (5-19 & 5-20-2011) heavy rain.
The huriccane season is around the corner, I was able to leave the house today
went to the mayor's and insisted again they clean the debris in the quebrada on
both side of the street.. The pipe underneath the street, channelling the heavy
flow of water through our land via the quebrada is inadequate. I was "promise"
the situation will be taken care of. I'll post any new developement, just hope it gets
done before the predictive busy storm season...Gald to report, after several written
requests, visit to their office, they did give us an additional street light, free of cost.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Dear Family,

Hope all is well and everyone had a wonderful Easter!
I"ve been receiving comments from family members that are very hostile.  If you do not have anything nice or concrete to say than don't say anything.  As you see your comments are not being publish.  If you want to do something than give us suggestions on how we should proceed. Please note we are not taking anything from anyone.   We must establish our inheritance and than pull our money together to proceed to get the land survey,  topography map and sub-divided.  This is all going to take money and can be a long process.  So please if you do want to make comments please be polite in your choice of words because there are young and older family members viewing this blog. After all we are family.

Thank you,

Monday, February 7, 2011

Deciding on the Destinies of Others

Malba Tahan tells the story of a man who met an angel in the desert and gave him water.“I am the angel of death and I came to get you,” said the angel. “But as you were kind, I will lend you the Book of Destiny for five minutes; you may change what you want.”
The angel gave the man the book. As he was leafing through its pages, the man began reading about the lives of his neighbors. And he got discontented,“These people don’t deserve such nice things,” he said. With the pen in hand, he began worsening the lives of each one.
Finally, he reached the page of his destiny. He saw his tragic end, but as he prepared to change it, the book disappeared. Five minutes had already passed.And right there, the angel took the man’s soul. - Paulo Coelho -

Decidiendo el destino ajeno

Malba Tahan cuenta la historia de un hombre que encontró un ángel en el desierto, y le dio agua.-Soy el ángel de la muerte y he venido a buscarte- dijo el ángel -. Pero como has sido bondadoso, voy a dejarte prestado el Libro del Destino durante cinco minutos. Puedes alterar lo que quieras en él.
El ángel le entregó el libro. Al hojear sus páginas, el hombre fue leyendo la vida de sus vecinos. No le gustó lo que vio: “Estas personas no se merecen cosas tan buenas”, pensó. Pluma en mano, se dedicó a empeorar la vida de cada uno de ellos.
Por último, llegó a la página de su destino. Leyó su trágico final y, cuando se disponía a cambiarlo, el libro desapareció. Los cinco minutos ya habían concluido.En ese mismo instante, el ángel se llevó el alma de aquel hombre.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

La Vajita Con Rajaduras / The Cracked Jar

La Vajita Con Rajaduras
Cuenta la leyenda india que un hombre transportaba agua todos los días a su aldea usando dos grandes vasijas, sujetas en las extremidades de un pedazo de madera que colocaba atravesado sobre sus espaldas.Una de las vasijas era más vieja que la otra, y tenía pequeñas rajaduras; cada vez que el hombre recorría el camino hasta su casa, la mitad del agua se perdía.
Durante dos años el hombre hizo el mismo trayecto. La vasija más joven estaba siempre muy orgullosa de su desempeño, y tenía la seguridad de que estaba a la altura de la misión para la cual había sido creada, mientras que la otra se moría de vergüenza por cumplir apenas la mitad de su tarea, aún sabiendo que aquellas rajaduras eran el fruto de mucho tiempo de trabajo.
Estaba tan avergonzada que un día, mientras el hombre se preparaba para sacar agua del pozo, decidió hablar con él:– Quiero pedirte disculpas ya que, debido a mi largo uso, solo consigues entregar la mitad de mi carga, y saciar la mitad de la sed que espera en tu casa.El hombre sonrió y le dijo:-Cuando regresemos, por favor observa cuidadosamente el camino.
Así lo hizo. Y la vasija notó que, por el lado donde ella iba, crecían muchas flores y plantas.-¿Ves como la naturaleza es más bella en el lado que tú recorres? comentó el hombre. – Siempre supe que tú tenías rajaduras, y resolví aprovechar este hecho. Sembré hortalizas, flores y legumbres, y tú las has regado siempre. Ya recogí muchas rosas para adornar mi casa, alimenté a mis hijos con lechuga, col y cebollas. Si tú no fueras como eres, ¿cómo podría haberlo hecho?
“Todos nosotros, en algún momento, envejecemos y pasamos a tener otras cualidades. Es siempre posible aprovechar cada una de estas nuevas cualidades para obtener un buen resultado.”


The cracked jar
An Indian legend tells of a man who carried water to his village every day, in two large jars tied to the ends of a wooden pole, which he balanced on his back.One of the jars was older than the other, and had some small cracks; every time the man covered the distance to his house, half of the water was lost.
For two years, the man made the same journey. The younger jar was always very proud of its performance, safe in the knowledge that it was up to the mission it had been made for, while the other jar was mortified with shame at only fulfilling half of its allotted task, even though it knew that those cracks were the result of many years hard work.
It was so ashamed that one day, while the man got ready to fetch water from the well, it decided to speak to him:– I want to apologize, but because of the many years of service, you are only able to deliver half of my load, and quench half of the thirst which awaits you at your home.
The man smiled, and said:– When we return, observe carefully the path.
And so it did. And the jar noticed that, on its side, many flowers and plants grew.
– See how nature is more lovely on your side? – commented the man. – I always knew you were cracked, and decided to make use of this fact. I planted flowers and vegetables, and you have always watered them. I have picked many roses to decorate my house with, I have fed my children with lettuce, cabbage and onions. If you were not as you are, how could I have done that?
“All of us, at some point, grow old and start to acquire other qualities. We can always make the most of each one of these new qualities and obtain a good result.”

- Paulo Coehlo -

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Ahora vamos de nuevo a cantar alma mía; a cantar sin palabras. Desnúdate de imágenes y poda extensamente tus viñas de hojarasca.
No adulteres el mosto que hierve en tus lagares con esencias extrañas, y así, te dará un vino sencillo pero puro, porque es vino de casa.
Anda el viejo camino para que se te vea la intención noble y clara, y huye de las retóricas travesuras ingenuas que inquietaron tu infancia.
Rama de bella fronda que perfumó al canto, ahora se ve pelada... Para cuajar el fruto tuvieron que caerse las hojas de la rama.
Así estás, alma mía, en tu grave hora nueva, toda desnuda y blanca, erguida hacia el silencio milenario y profundo de la estrella lejana.
Luis Palés Matos
Guayama, Puerto Rico