Monday, October 29, 2012

Update on Taxes

Hola Familia!!

 I just verified with CRIM taxes for the FINCA are paid to date.   Thank you!

Monday, October 8, 2012

Hello Familia,

This is just to inform all you that as of this date I have no proof taxes for Finca has been paid to CRIM.  I was informed by Minnie that the taxes were paid by her on or about the week of Sept. 18th.  I have called CRIM and they tell me is not paid.  So for those of you who reside in Puerto Rico all year, I suggest you follow up and make sure these taxes have been paid.  Please note I have only collected $40 dollars from the following family members Davito and BettyAnn.  I have returned Bettyanns and Davito's has been put in the mail on Oct 8, 2012.  I will follow up with CRIM in the coming weeks and if I have any news that the taxes have been paid I will notify all by this Blog, Facebook and Email.. 

Peace and Thanks!!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012


October 2, 2012

Saludos a todos Familia! Todos debemos trabajar unidos, sin importar nuestras diferencias personales.

Se nos ha informado que otro hijo de Tio Teo quiere un terreno adicional para poner una casa temporal rodante en la propiedad de la playa.
Esa sería la tercera casa de los hijos de Tio Teo en la playa.
No es correcto, no es justo, especialmente cuando la familia está esperando resolver el proceso de la segregación de Nuestro terreno.  Por lo tanto, la petición por alguno de los hijos de Tio Teo, de colocar esta casa o cualquier estructura en la playa está denegada.

Por favor, observen la lista de miembros de nuestra familia que poseen y que no poseen propiedades en la playa: 

Tia Aurora / hijos------------------- 1 casa

Tio Felix/hijos----------------------Nada

Tia Cecial / hijos -------------------  1 casa

Tia Juana / sobrina      -------------------  1 casa

Tio Juan Sr./hijos------------------------Nada
Tio Teo / hijos  ----------------- 2 casas, Installed 1 Moblie home on 10/3/12 against our permission!

Tia Anna / hijos -------------------- Nada

Tia Noemi /  hijos ------------------ 1 casa

 Tio David /  hijos ------------------- 1 casa

 Tio Gabriel / sobrina   -------------------- 1 casa

 Tia America / hijos  ---------------- Nada

 Tio Samuel /  hijos ----------------- Nada

Tia Mingo / hijos  ------------------ Nada
Tio Leonardo/hijos-----------------2 casas
  Esta notificación es un intento de evitar fricciones o malos entendidos entre nosotros, para que nosotros y nuestros hijos podamos vivir en paz.Valoricemos a nuestras madres y padres por habernos dejado este paraíso, Vamos a cuidarlo y a cuidarnos entre todos, en Paz!

 * La lista no menciona la parte de la familia Morinari, pero se le considera.Esta carta es para responder ante el intento del hijo de Tio Teo, de colocar esta casa en la playa.

Por favor quisiera llamar a la atención, que siendo una de las herederas, he pedido en varias ocaciones a las primas Minnie y Thaisa, una copia del recibo del CRIM donde indica que ellas pagaron los impuestos de la finca hasta el corriente o hasta el 18 de Septiembre de 2012. También estoy pidiéndo el número de cuenta de la Asociación Eulogia Laboy en el Banco Popular. Todos los herederos tenemos el derecho de tener esta información.


Saludos / Greetings:

Family! We must work as a unit, regardless of our personal differences ..

It has come to our attention another of Tio Teo's son wants an additional piece of land
to place a "temporary" Mobile home on the beach property..
That would be the 3rd house of Tio Teo's offspring on the beach..
It isn't right, It isn't fair, especially for the family waiting for the resolve of the segregation
process of Our land. Therefore the request to place a Mobile home or any
any standing structure on a new site by another of Tio Teo's children is denied:
*Please see diagram of the family members with /without homes on the beach:

Tia Aurora /offspring ------------------- 1 house
Tio Felix/offspring-----------------------Nada
Tia Cecial / offspring -------------------  1 house
Tia Juana / niece       -------------------  1 house
Tio Teo / offspring   -------------------- 3 houses
Tio Juan, Sr/offspring-------------------Nada
Tia Anna / offspring -------------------- Nada
Tia Noemi / offspring ------------------ 1
Tio David / offspring ------------------- 1
Tio Gabriel / niece    -------------------- 1
Tia America / offspring ---------------- 1
Tio Samuel / offspring ----------------- Nada
Tia Mingo / offspring ------------------ Nada
Tio Leonardo/offspring-----------------2 houses

This notice is an attempt to avoid any friction /misunderstanding  among us, so that we/our children can live in peace. Let us praise our Mothers and Fathers for leaving us this paradise, let's take care of it and each other. Paz!
* The diagram doesn't mentioned the Morinari part of the family,  but it is acknowledged, this notice is in res ponce to Tio Teo's son intent.

Monday, September 3, 2012

This is a follow up regarding the unpaid Finca taxes. After numerous conversation  with Minnie, Sergio and Thaisa regarding this outstanding bill.  I have been advised today Sept 3rd, 2012 by Minnie's husband Sergio who informed me that in fact there are back taxes that have not been paid. He stated that they plan on  making payment to CRIM  in full tomorrow Sept 4th, 2012.  Please note, family members who gave me money to pay these taxes will be returned to them as soon as I have verification that taxes are paid up to date..   I also like to mention at this time I am in the process of trying to negotiate the contract for the collection of Coco's from our property.  (They are still  getting only $20 a truck load ). Once this is accomplish we should be able to use this money to pay the  taxes in a timely fashion and use part of the money for the maintenance of the beach. 
Final note for those who have not done there inheritance paperwork I advise you to go forward and do this.  This is very important to do first, we cannot go further without this..  I will keep everyone informed via this blog so please keep checking in. Thanks! 
Any questions or for anyone who would like to participate in getting this completed please come forward!!!  You can reach me at 845-471-1487.
Lisa AKA Isabel Casas Rodriguez

FYI:  Please read this letter regarding unpaid property taxes on our finca. 

August 6, 2012

Dear Family,
 First and foremost a sincere greeting and well wishes to all.  As most of you know I’m vacationing with part of my family at my favorite site, our ancestral land. 
Since I’m just as concerned as you are with its maintenance and fiscal duty (taxes), this informal letter is to let you know of two important matters in need of our attention.  According to the CRIM (Property Tax Collecting Agency) statement (see attached), the Finca are in the rears for $401.53.  To make taxes current we must collect $40.00 from the following heirs:  Lisa, Myrna, Bettyann, Madeline, Davitio, Efrain, Davito (collected), Carlito, Ruthie, Thaisa and Nitza. Please make out check to my name and send to the address below.  
            The second matter is the collection of coconuts. We must negotiate the agreement that was made with our late uncle Teo to reflect today’s price for a truck full of coconuts, the absurdity of accepting $20.00 for a truck lord of coconuts is not working for us. We must charge between $75.00 to $100.00 truck load is more comparable to current prices.  Even at this price we are giving them away.  So as you can see a decent fair price in the sale of the coconuts will keep the taxes current.  The taxes of the property shouldn’t be a burden to anyone.  Our late Uncle Teo always paid the taxes on time and set up a bank account for the essentials that may have flair up.  Anyone having the bank information, please forward to me. 
With your support I have requested the tax statements to be sent to my address. I’ll keep everyone inform of current status.  I’m open to any suggestions that will improve this present situation.

Much Respect!
Isabel Rodriguez Casas aka  (Lisa)
18 Vervalen Drive
Poughkeepsie, NY 12603