Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Felicidades! - Merry Christmas - Happy New Year 2010

"Happiness is something that multiplies when it is divided /
La felicidad es algo que se multiplica cuando se divide"
-Paulo Coehlo-
God's Greatest Gift is Life, Embrace It,
Live It..
Regardless of your choosen path, let every
Dawn be like a beacon to a accomplish,
happy Life.

Prima, Myrna

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Apreciada Prima Myrna

You are doing a wonderful job in inviting family to join the conversation about Our Sacred Gift. I will visit here more often. I hope to become more active in bringing a part of my very own dream for our MALA PASCUA!

Muchisimo carino a la familia que conozco. A aquellos que han de aparecer, les brindo el grito Bienvenidos! Vamos a UNIRNOS, todos con el mismo proposito. Salvar esta Villa y tierra y mantenerla a nuestros pies siguendo las pesadas de los ancianos.

LOL a todos! Nin

Thursday, December 2, 2010


Hola Familia!

Just wanted to wish everyone a lovely Christmas and a healthy New Year. Also wanted to remind everyone to get working on collecting their paperwork to establish their family clan's Inheritance.  Once you have gather all birth certificates and death certificates for your family clan, you must than hire an attorney who is familiar with the laws of Puerto Rico to represent your clan and file your papers through  Puerto Rico's court system.
We hope to accomplish this by May 2011.  So let's all get on broad and do what we have to and get this part accomplished and than move on to the next step! Please note in order to make this a reality it's going to take time, money and family members to participate to get this done.

Peace and Happiness!!