Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Felicidades! - Merry Christmas - Happy New Year 2010

"Happiness is something that multiplies when it is divided /
La felicidad es algo que se multiplica cuando se divide"
-Paulo Coehlo-
God's Greatest Gift is Life, Embrace It,
Live It..
Regardless of your choosen path, let every
Dawn be like a beacon to a accomplish,
happy Life.

Prima, Myrna


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hope ALL had a safe and wonderful christmas holiday.
    Hear about the earthquike. Hope and prayed for All my members of Laboy's and my other family living in Puerto Rico were clear and safe of the danger.

    Yours Truly,

    Isamrl Laboy

  3. Hola!!!

    Mi familia,
    esperaanza una nuevo con los familia bueno, nuevo dia positivo comunicacion para cicatrizarse. y con titi Benita si abrir su corazon y dejar permitir. estropear arruinar negativo la defecto es con mio...perdonar aunti. no sabe se tu contraccion de enfermo or ifurioso de otra cosa. Well, I hope you are in good health and please!!! necesito tu bendicion. que Dios te bendigas.

    tu sobrino
    Ismael Laboy
