Thursday, December 9, 2010

Apreciada Prima Myrna

You are doing a wonderful job in inviting family to join the conversation about Our Sacred Gift. I will visit here more often. I hope to become more active in bringing a part of my very own dream for our MALA PASCUA!

Muchisimo carino a la familia que conozco. A aquellos que han de aparecer, les brindo el grito Bienvenidos! Vamos a UNIRNOS, todos con el mismo proposito. Salvar esta Villa y tierra y mantenerla a nuestros pies siguendo las pesadas de los ancianos.

LOL a todos! Nin

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the encouraging words prima, your words speak volume. Hopefully this coming year will be more productive in meeting our goals, afterall we are family, that should be an initiative.. Warmth
    and lots of cheers for the holidays, prima. xo
